Benefits for Fat Loss and Muscle Building
Immediately following your workout, the carbs you eat cause an insulin spike. Using R-ALA, you can channel more of the glucose to the muscle cells instead of the fat cells gaining more lean muscle mass without a concurrent gain in body fat.
Of particular interest to the bodybuilder is the fact that R-ALA enables the muscles to increase the amount of glucose that they absorb from the blood stream by increasing the number of glut-4 transporters on the out-side of the myocites (muscle-cells) by almost 50%. By forcing the glucose and nutrients into both the MUSCLE-cells and the fat-cells, one can use ALA as a nutrient-partitioning agent.
The net result is an increased muscle-gain over the long run with a smaller fat-gain. To give you a quantitative idea, if a person gains 10lbs muscle and 10lbs fat in a bulking cycle w/o ALA. He/she is likely to gain around 14lbs muscle and 6 lbs fat if he/she would have taken ALA.